Physical Therapy

 If you're afflicted with COVID-19 and called upon to care for yourself at home or you're the caregiver for one who is suffering from COVID-19 and care for them at home, how do you ensure that everyone is safe? Hello and welcome to Science in 5. I'm Vismita Gupta-Smith. WHO's discussions on science. and Dr. April Baller is going present to us today the best way to care for a COVID-19 patient at home. Welcome, April.So the first scenario is that the healthcare system is overstretched. This could happen in the event that, for example the sudden rise or a surge in the number of cases in the community. That means there's not any beds left. In this case the way doctors do is they might see a patient and give them the treatment and advice and then release them to be taken care of at home.April What are the scenarios we are encountering in which a person is asked to take provide for themselves or take care of COVID patients at home?



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