Happy And Healthy

 December is a lonely time for singles and those who reside alone. Although they might not be able you on your holiday night out, or accompany your on many dates, a pet may serve as a perfect substitute for a human life partner. Pet ownership is long considered to be a good way to secure some friendly and affectionate companionship, with cats one of the most sought-after choices of domestic animals. Over 35 million American households have at least one feline companion. Cats were first domesticated approximately 5500 years ago to keep crops safe from rodents. They're a great companion for busy individuals who don't have time or energy to care for their pets. Felines don't need to be constantly walked (although some owners do enjoy walking their pets on a leash), and short-haired varieties aren't as groomed. The cat you pet will be slightly less interested in your company too,    



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